Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Hello Lizzy see i mixed it up a little i set you to a different website :D well this is step two and pretty soon ill post another entry telling you the next step in this riddle trail. Im still debating on what ill get/give you if you manage to get all the way to the end before you get your grade up. if you have any request feel free to leave them in the comments here. I miss you and hope you continue to play my little game.


  1. Ok so if youve made it this far thats awesome. Ok so were going to do this one a little differently. Im going to post some sort of question/riddle and youll post an answer and if you are right ill post yes with a link and if your wrong ill post no after 3 nos ill post a hint. and so on

  2. Ok so i thought up fo this one myslef so it might not work quite the way i want it to. Oh well.
    You will listen to me all day long but youll only ever hear the same song. What am I?
